December 2024:
Lecture by Lisa Stuckey, lecture series Heritage in Transformation, Centre for Advanced Study inherit, based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
November 2024:
Moderation of the panel “Atmospheres of Conflict” — with Alex Quicho, Steve Goodman, and Asia Bazdyrieva — at the Symposium In Terms of Media … presented by the Weibel Institute for Digital Cultures, University of Applied Arts Vienna
In 2024, Lisa Stuckey is a Research Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Advanced Study inherit. heritage in transformation based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
[Counter-Forensic Media Aesthetics: Attempts at Radical Liberation]
March 2024:
Lecture by Lisa Stuckey, Panel V. Gegen-Öffentlichkeit organisieren [Organizing Counter-Publicity], Conference Das radikaldemokratische Museum (revisited) [The radical democratic museum (revisited)], March 21–23, 2024, organized by Joachim Baur and Nora Sternfeld, Dortmunder U – Zentrum für Kunst und Kreativität
March 2024:
Guest lecture by Lisa Stuckey, Department Art and Time | Media, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Winter 2023/24
With Human Rights Expert Manfred Nowak, Art Sociologist Jens Kastner, Art Historian Sandra Frimmel, and Artistic Researcher Manuela Naveau.
Convenor: Lisa Stuckey, Applied Human Rights, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Review of the exhibition Constanze Ruhm: Come una pupilla al variare della luce, published by TEXTE ZUR KUNST, September 29, 2023
August 2023:
Lecture by Lisa Stuckey, Panel 4: “Krisenzeiten: Kulturelle Umgangsformen mit unsicherer Zukunft” (Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Macho), IFK_Akademie 2023 Die Große Transformation
June 2023:
Lecture by Lisa Stuckey, Panel 1 “Aesthetic Decenterings: Terminologies as Critical Media”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik, DGAE-Plattform #2: Transkulturelle Medienästhetik / Transcultural Media Aesthetics, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Rezension von Laura Petersen zu Lisa Stuckey, Forensische Verfahren in den zeitgenössischen Künsten
In: Kritische Justiz, Vol. 55, No. 4, S. 528–531.
“Die Kritische Justiz analysiert Theorie und Praxis des Rechts im gesellschaftlichen Kontext. Sie überschreitet die Grenzen der üblichen Diskussion von Rechtsfragen, die von politischen Konstellationen keinen Begriff hat und sozioökonomische und kulturelle zusammenhänge ausblendet.”
Publication by Lisa Stuckey (with an artistic contribution by Karina Nimmerfall). Reader 6 in series of the Studio Art & Research, University of Cologne, 2023.
As of February 2023, Lisa Stuckey is Senior Lecturer / Artistic Program Manager (interim) of the Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights and Senior Scientist in the research project TRANSFORM, addressing digital and social tansformations, at the Zentrum Fokus Foschung at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
[Casuistic and Paralegal Site Specificity: Crime Scene—Exhibition—Memory Site in the Investigative Practice of Forensic Architecture]
November 2022:
Lecture, Conference/Workshop Rethinking Site-Specificity, Department of Art History, University of Vienna
Three Takes on Three Doors — Forensic Architecture / Forensis, Initiative 19. Februar Hanau, Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh (2022, Frankfurter Kunstverein)
Exhibition Review by Anna Polze and Lisa Stuckey, published in Third Text Online, 1 September 2022
In fall 2022, Lisa Stuckey is a visiting fellow at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (lucernaiuris) at the University of Lucerne [CH]
Peer-reviewed article by Lisa Stuckey, published in: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, No. 13 (2022): “In_Visibilities.”
[Curating Weak Law — by the Example of the “Tribunal ‘Unravelling the NSU Complex'“]
Juli 2022
Workshop mit Vortrag von Lisa Stuckey, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München
[The Collective in Hyperpositive Horizons, Contractual Relations, and Unrealized Democracies]
Juni 2022
Ein theoriegeleiteter Gastvortrag in sechs Thesen – im Seminar Kollektive und kollaborative Praktiken im Kunstfeld seit den 1960er Jahren, eingeladen von Christoph Chwatal.
lnstitut für Kunstwissenschaften und Ästhetik, Universität der Künste Berlin
From May to July 2022, Lisa Stuckey is a "Juliane and Franz Roh Fellow in Modern and Contemporary Art" at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI, Central Institute for Art History) Munich
March 2022:
Lisa Stuckey is a panel speaker at the Max and Iris Stern International Symposium 14, Terror Contagion, at MAC Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, together with Charles Stankievech, moderated by Emanuel Licha
Art critical text by Lisa Stuckey on the occasion of Clemens von Wedemeyer’s exhibition The Illusion of a Crowd (2022) at VOX — Centre de l’image contemporaine, Montreal
Booklet published by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna on the occasion of the Mentoring-Program 2020/2021.
With a Text by Attilia Fattori Franchini about the work of Lisa Stuckey
[MAKING-OF-THE-EVIDENCE: Media Aesthetic and Criminal Procedural Conceptions of Truth in Forensic Architecture]
Dezember 2021
Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars Fake Truths, Abteilung Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttheorie der Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz, eingeladen von Jasmin Mersmann
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) awards the State Prize “Award of Excellence 2021“ to Lisa Stuckey for her doctoral thesis LAW ON TRIAL: Art and Jurisdiction in Investigations of Forensic Architecture and in Exemplary Contemporary Art.
[COMPENSATORY INFRASTRUCTURES: Agencies and Think Tanks as Sites of Knowledge Production and Judgment Recommendation]
Dezember 2021
Gastvortrag von Lisa Stuckey, Veranstaltungsreihe Räume der Produktion von Wissen, Studio Art and Research am Institut für Kunst & Kunsttheorie der Universität zu Köln.
Mit einem künstlerischen Beitrag von Karina Nimmerfall
[On the Forensics of Intelligence Media and Their Archives]
September 2021
Panel auf der GfM-Tagung 2021 (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft) Wissensökologie, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck.
Vortragende: Sophia Gräfe, Sylvia Sasse, Lisa Stuckey
Moderation: Christian Quendler
Panelkonzeption: Lisa Stuckey
Art critical text by Lisa Stuckey
In der Ausstellung Sprachlosigkeit – Das laute Verstummen im Japanischen Palais wurden Gegenwartskünstler*innen und Aktivist*innen eingeladen, in multivokalen Dialog mit Sammlungsobjekten unterschiedlicher Provenienz zu treten. Was diese Ausstellung mit „dichterischem Denken“ im Sinne Hannah Arendts zu tun hat, beschreibt die Kulturwissenschaftlerin und Kunstkritikerin Lisa Stuckey.
In: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden: VOICES MAG, 17. September 2021.
September 2021
Panel discussion on the role of art criticism, in the framework of Verein K's residency program for international art critics Visiting Critics Vienna 2021
Participants: Gregor Quack, Lara Schoorl, Maja Ćirić, María Inés Plaza Lazo
Moderator: Lisa Stuckey
[BRINGS TOGETHER WHERE IT DEVIDES: Aesthetic-Epistemic Potentials of the Contemporary Arts between Evidence-Gathering, Propaganda, and Assembly]
Juli 2021
Panel von Lisa Stuckey, Christoph Chwatal und Sebastian Mühl – XI Kongress der DGÄ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik): Ästhetik und Erkenntnis, Züricher Hochschule der Künste
Exhibition review by Lisa Stuckey on Wordless — Falling Silent Loudly (2021) at Japanisches Palais
Published in: Arts of the Working Class on July 8, 2021