Dr. Lisa Stuckey has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, On_Culture, all-over Magazin für Kunst und Ästhetik, and Journal for Artistic Research.
Her art-critical texts appeared in Texte zur Kunst, Camera Austria International, Third Text, Voices Mag, and Arts of the Working Class.
Her doctoral thesis was published by De Gruyter.

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[Forensic Procedures in the Contemporary Arts: Forensic Architecture and Other Case Analyses]

Peer-reviewed Hardcover Book & Open Access Ebook
Author: Lisa Stuckey
Published: May 2022
Publisher: De Gruyter
Vol. 7 of Undisziplinierte Bücher – Gegenwartsdiagnosen und ihre historischen Genealogien, edited by Iris Därmann, Andreas Gehrlach and Thomas Macho.
Language: German

Forthcoming 2025:

Uncertain Curiosity in Artistic Research, Philosophy, Media and Cultural Studies

Anthology edited by Lisa Stuckey and Alexander Damianisch. Springer.

With an Introduction and Chapter by Lisa Stuckey.

Law as Heritage

Small publication by Kyrill Kunakovich and Lisa Stuckey. Series inherit. heritage in transformation, edited by Eva Ehninger, Sharon Macdonald, and Margareta von Oswald. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Gegenforensische Versuche radikaler Befreiung im Para-Museum.

Chapter by Lisa Stuckey. In Das radikaldemokratische Museum (revisited), edited by Nora Sternfeld and Joachim Baur. transcript.