Dr. Lisa Stuckey has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, On_Culture, all-over Magazin für Kunst und Ästhetik, and Journal for Artistic Research.
Her art-critical texts appeared in Texte zur Kunst, Camera Austria International, Third Text, Voices Mag, and Arts of the Working Class.
Her doctoral thesis was published by De Gruyter.
Access publications here or via ⇒
[Forensic Procedures in the Contemporary Arts: Forensic Architecture and Other Case Analyses]
Peer-reviewed Hardcover Book & Open Access Ebook
Author: Lisa Stuckey
Published: May 2022
Publisher: De Gruyter
Vol. 7 of Undisziplinierte Bücher – Gegenwartsdiagnosen und ihre historischen Genealogien, edited by Iris Därmann, Andreas Gehrlach and Thomas Macho.
Language: German
Forthcoming 2025:
Uncertain Curiosity in Artistic Research, Philosophy, Media and Cultural Studies
Anthology edited by Lisa Stuckey and Alexander Damianisch. Springer.
With an Introduction and Chapter by Lisa Stuckey.
Law as Heritage
Small publication by Kyrill Kunakovich and Lisa Stuckey. Series inherit. heritage in transformation, edited by Eva Ehninger, Sharon Macdonald, and Margareta von Oswald. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Gegenforensische Versuche radikaler Befreiung im Para-Museum.
Chapter by Lisa Stuckey. In Das radikaldemokratische Museum (revisited), edited by Nora Sternfeld and Joachim Baur. transcript.
Review of the exhibition Constanze Ruhm: Come una pupilla al variare della luce, published by TEXTE ZUR KUNST, September 29, 2023
Publication by Lisa Stuckey (with an artistic contribution by Karina Nimmerfall). Reader 6 in series of the Studio Art & Research, University of Cologne, 2023.
Three Takes on Three Doors — Forensic Architecture / Forensis, Initiative 19. Februar Hanau, Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh (2022, Frankfurter Kunstverein)
Exhibition Review by Anna Polze and Lisa Stuckey, published in Third Text Online, 1 September 2022
Peer-reviewed article by Lisa Stuckey, published in: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, No. 13 (2022): “In_Visibilities.”
Art critical text by Lisa Stuckey on the occasion of Clemens von Wedemeyer’s exhibition The Illusion of a Crowd (2022) at VOX — Centre de l’image contemporaine, Montreal
Art critical text by Lisa Stuckey
In der Ausstellung Sprachlosigkeit – Das laute Verstummen im Japanischen Palais wurden Gegenwartskünstler*innen und Aktivist*innen eingeladen, in multivokalen Dialog mit Sammlungsobjekten unterschiedlicher Provenienz zu treten. Was diese Ausstellung mit „dichterischem Denken“ im Sinne Hannah Arendts zu tun hat, beschreibt die Kulturwissenschaftlerin und Kunstkritikerin Lisa Stuckey.
In: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden: VOICES MAG, 17. September 2021.
Exhibition review by Lisa Stuckey on Wordless — Falling Silent Loudly (2021) at Japanisches Palais
Published in: Arts of the Working Class on July 8, 2021
[1989 — Obeying Technology and Antinormative Methodology. Avital Ronell’s “The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech” Reread]
Avital Ronell’s The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech wiedergelesen.
Relektüre von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: Stay in touch
IFK_Vienna, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2021.
[PATIENT PATIENTS: Architecture as a Medium of Care and Advocacy in Investigations of Forensic Architecture]
Peer-reviewed Aufsatz von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft (ZFM) 24 (2021): „Medien der Sorge“
Essay by Lisa Stuckey on the work of Karina Nimmerfall.
Published in: Camera Austria International 152/2020
Leaflet published on the occasion of Lisa Stuckey’s exhibition Fama Facing Trial: Words As Currency
Rezension von Lisa Stuckey über Johanna Braun: All-American-Gothic Girl.
Publiziert in: texte. psychoanalyse. ästhetik. kulturkritik. Herausgegeben von Ulrike Kadi, August Ruhs, Karl Stockreiter, Gerhard Zenaty, Heft 2/2018, 38. Jahrgang.
Buchbeitrag von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: Thomas Ballhausen, Robert Huez [Hg.]: Der Zeitungsausschnitt, 2018
Rezension von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: all-over | Magazin für Kunst und Ästhetik 14, Spring Summer 2018
[Poeto-Forensic Ocenography: Aesthetics of Grieve in “Left-to-Die Boat” (Forensic Architecture) and “Zong!” (NourbeSe Philip)]
Peer-reviewed Artikel von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: all-over | Magazin für Kunst und Ästhetik 13 (autumn 2017)
Peer-reviewed contribution by Lisa Stuckey.
Published in: Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) 12 (2017)
Artists: Viltė Bražiūnaitė & Tomas Sinkevičius, Joey Holder, Paul Maheke, Jennifer Mattes, The Otolith Group, M. NourbeSe Philip, Stefanie Schwarzwimmer, Wolfgang Tillmans
Curators: Lisa Stuckey & Andrea Popelka
Installation views ©
Graphic Design: Stefanie Schwarzwimmer
[MUMMY MATRIX MATTER: Memory Weakness in the Myth and the Anticipation of Posthumanism]
Buchbeitrag von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: Johanna Braun [Hg.]: Beschwörungsrituale. An Elisabeth von Samsonow. Wien 2016: Turia + Kant, S. 161–168.
Book chapter by Lisa Stuckey.
Published in: ZEIT KUNST Niederösterreich: Elisabeth von Samsonow. English/German. Bielefeld 2016: Kerber Verlag, pp. 235–249.
[Ritual and Performance Art: A Dialectical Relationship]
Editorial-reviewed Artikel von Lisa Stuckey.
Publiziert in: Journal Nkf – Neue Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Nr. 2 (2016) Wiener Schule, S. 70–77.
Essays by Lisa Stuckey on new forms of urban knowledge production.
Published under the supervision of Prof. Marion von Osten