
Lisa Stuckey
Photo © Manuel Carreón López

Dr. Lisa Stuckey [ˈstʌki] (she/her) is an Art and Cultural Studies researcher. Her interests revolve around contemporary visual cultures, forensic and investigative art practices, the moving image and the curatorial, media aesthetics, and critical/cultural legal studies. She works as Senior Scientist at the Instite of Arts and Society, University of Applied Arts Vienna.

In 2024, Stuckey was a Research Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Advanced Study inherit. heritage in transformation, based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, working on her project TRIBUNALIZATION.

From 2023 to 2024, Stuckey was Senior Lecturer in the program Applied Human Rights, responsible for nourishing connective threads between Cultural Studies, Contemporary Arts, and Human Rights; furthermore, she was Senior Scientist in the project Transform at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

In 2022, Stuckey was a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (lucernaiuris) at the University of Lucerne and a Juliane and Franz Roh Fellow in Modern and Contemporary Art at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) in Munich.

From 2020 to 2023, Stuckey worked a Lecturer in Cultural Theory at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, in Research Methodologies at the University of Arts Linz, and in Current Art at Webster Vienna University. Additionally, she has been a guest lecturer at several universities and speaker at international conferences since 2017.

Stuckey pursued her doctorate in philosophy as a Junior Fellow of the IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies in Vienna (2018–2020) with a research appointment at the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London. Furthermore, she was an Associate Member of the Kolleg Configurations of Film at Goethe University in Frankfurt (2019–2020). The first Appraiser and Supervisor of her doctoral thesis was Prof. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann (Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) and the second Appraiser Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck (Institute for Theory, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig).

For her PhD-dissertation Law on Trial on “Investigative Aesthetics” situated between arts and jurisdiction, Stuckey received the “Prize for Scientific Work 2020” by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Austrian State Prize “Award of Excellence 2021.” Supported by the Post-DocTrack-Program of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) and with a Stand Alone Publication Grant by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Stuckey’s revised dissertation was published under the title Forensische Verfahren in den zeitgenössischen Künsten: Forensic Architecture und andere Fallanalysen (De Gruyter 2022) in the series “Undisziplinierte Bücher” (eds. Iris Därmann, Andreas Gehrlach, and Thomas Macho).

Stuckey earned her MFA in Art and Digital Media (2020, Supervisor: Prof. Constanze Ruhm, Department renamed into Art and Time | Media) as well as her MA in History and Theory of Art (2015, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth von Samsonow) from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with distinction.

Stuckey is a member of the Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art (AICA), the Society for Media Studies (GfM), and the German Society of Aesthetics (DGÄ).


AESTHETICS: Aesthetics and Ethics | Media Aesthetics | Forensic Aesthetics | Legal Aesthetics | Decolonial Aesthetics
: Time-Based & Postconceptual Investigative Arts l Digital Cartographies | Mnemonic Architectures
CONTEMPORANEITY: Transversality | Infrastructural & Disciplinary Migrations
CRITIQUE: Institutional Critique of the Second & Third Generation | Infrastructural Critique
CURATORIAL: Artistic & Curatorial Epistemologies | Exhibition as Intellectual Medium and Forum
HISTORIOGRAPHY: Critical Heritage Studies | Forensics | (Post)Colonialism | Postmodernism | Contemporary History
JUSTICE: Transitional Justice & Testimonial Cultures | Human Rights | Evidence, Forensics & Politics of Truth | Media Techniques of Law | Tribunals
MEDIA: Media Architecture | Media Infrastructure | Media Ecology | Forensic Media
IMAGE: Moving Image & Expanded Cinema | Documentary Dispositive | Deep Mapping
METHODOLOGY: Critical Discourse Analyses | Artistic Research | Power Sensitive Digital & Visual Culture Studies Approaches | Deconstructivist Archival Practices
THEORY: Theory as Practice | Decoloniality | Poststructuralist Political Theory | Posthumanism | Psychoanalytic Cultural Theory | Performance Theory & Ritual Transfer | Critical and Cultural Legal Theory | Topological Thinking

2021: Award of Excellence (for the doctoral thesis), Austrian State Prize, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
2020: Prize for Scientific Work (for the doctoral thesis), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 

2020: Appreciation Prize (for the fine arts master project), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

2025–: Senior Scientist/Postdoc, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies – Art, Science, Philosophy, and Global Challenges, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2023–2024: Senior Scientist, Project Transform, Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2023–2024: Senior Lecturer & Interim Artistic Program Manager, Applied Human Rights, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2021–2022: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Art Sciences, University of Applied Arts Vienna (funded by the ÖAW)

2024–2025: Media Theory, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2021–2023: Cultural Theory, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2020–2023: Art and Cultural Scientific Methodologies, University of Arts Linz

2020–2021: Current Art, Webster Vienna Private University
2020: Contemporary Art, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
2017–: Guest lecturer, see Public Speaking

2024: Research Fellowship, Käte Hamburger Centre for Advanced Study inherit. Heritage in Transformation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
2023: IFK_Akademie Die große Transformation, International Research Center for Cultural Studies
2022: Scholarship Early Post-Doc Applications, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2022: Visiting Fellowship, Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (lucernaiuris), University of Lucerne
2022: Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowship in Modern and Contemporary Art, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI), Munich
2021–2022: Post-DocTrack-Program, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
2020–2021: Mentoring-Program Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

2020: Literar Mechana Dissertation Completion Grant
2019–2020: Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2018–2020: IFK Junior Fellowship, International Research Center for Cultural Studies / Abroad with research stays at
⇒ House of World Cultures (HKW), Berlin
⇒ Department of Visual Cultures / Goldsmiths, University of London
⇒ DFG Reaearch Training Group Configurations of Film, Goethe University Frankfurt
2018: Emanuel und Sophie Fohn Grant
2017: IFK_Akademie Wiederkehr der Gefühle?, International Research Center for Cultural Studies

2016: Travel Grant New York, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2012–2013: Erasmus Scholarship, Austrian Agency for International Cooperation (OeAD)
⇒ Exchange at the Royal Institute of Art Stockholm
2012: International Summer Academy Salzburg

2022–: AICA | International Association of Art Critics
2021–: GfM | Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft
2019–: DGÄ | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik
2022–2024: AAC | Austrian Association of Curators (founding member)
2019–2020: Associate member, DFG Research Training Group Configurations of Film, Goethe University Frankfurt
2018–: Literar Mechana

2020: Dr. phil. [equivalent to PhD], Art and Cultural Studies
⇒ Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, passed with distinction
⇒ Doctoral thesis LAW ON TRIAL: Art and Jurisdiction in Investigations of Forensic Architecture and in Exemplary Contemporary Art
⇒ Fist Appraiser & Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann
⇒ Second Appraiser: Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck (Institute for Theory, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig)

2020: Mag. [equivalent to MFA], Art and Digital Media
⇒ Institute for Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, passed with distinction
⇒ Artistic-research Master’s project Fama Facing Trial: Words as Currency
⇒ Supervisor: Prof. Constanze Ruhm

2015: Mag. [equivalent to MA], History and Theory of Art
⇒ Institute for Education in the Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, passed with distinction
⇒ Scientific Master’s thesis RITUAL DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE: In Works of Marina Abramović, Andrea Fraser, Gilad Ratman
⇒ Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth von Samsonow